Join us on Wednesdays for Midweek

Midweek is a great time to come together with the FBJ family for fellowship and Bible studies, choir and orchestra rehearsals, and programs and activities for preschoolers, children, students, and college students. Be sure to come early for Family Supper beginning at 4:45 p.m.

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Family Supper

March 5
Adults: $8
Students (through college): $7
Family Maximum: $35

Begins at 4:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall East

Menu: Fried chicken, baked potato casserole, squash and zucchini stirfry, roll, salad, dessert

Kids menu: Fried drumsticks, french fries, green beans, roll, dessert.

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Worship Choir & Orchestra

6:00 p.m.
Choir: Choir Rehearsal Room (Second Floor)
Orchestra: Sanctuary

There is a place for you in the Worship Choir and Orchestra. These groups play key roles in leading our congregation in praise and worship each Sunday morning. They also present special worship and evangelistic concerts throughout the year.

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Prayer Meeting: The Story of the Bible

6:00 p.m. • Fellowship Hall East
This study led by Pastor Chip Stevens will help you have a big-picture view of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and help you better understand what you’re reading and how it flows.


First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

God’s Promises

Finding a life of purpose built on the promises of God

February 5-March 5
Matt Oswalt

A study for men of all ages.

God has designed you for more than a boring, mundane life. He created you for a life of purpose. God’s promises are found throughout scripture and serve as a compass for finding this life and avoiding the pitfalls will stand in your way. 

Your God is Too Safe - Women’s Study for all ages

January 15-March 5
Cyndi Grace
Room E423

Based on the book by Mark Buchanan, you’ll be challenged and inspired in your faith as you re-discover the wonder of a God you can’t control.

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Midweek Preschool

6:00–7:00 p.m.
The Hive (First Floor)
Preschoolers learn how to worship through music before moving to Mission Friends where they learn what it means to be a missionary and what they can do as preschoolers to tell others about Jesus.

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Midweek Kids

6:00–6:30 p.m. • CLC Gym
6:30–7:10 p.m. • Kids Hall (Fifth Floor)
Check in at CLC Gym beginning at 5:45 p.m.
Pick up is in the 5th Floor Atrium

1st-6th grade kids begin with Games with a Purpose, where intentional games and Bible study take place. At 6:30, our kids transition to a time of missions through GA (Girls in Action) for girls and RA (Royal Ambassadors) for boys. 

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Bible Drill

5:00–6:00 p.m. 
W530 (4th–6th grade)
W531 (7th–12th grade)

4th graders and above have the opportunity to grow in their understanding of God’s word and hide it in their hearts through Bible Drill.

First Baptist Jackson Boot Camp Summer Study Logo

Midweek Students

6:15–7:15 p.m. 
CLC Auditorium

On Wednesday nights throughout the school year students gather for a time of fellowship and worship. Come early for hang time, beginning around 5:30, before the service starts at 6:15 p.m. During the service, we engage in a time of intentional worship and then a lesson. The purpose of Midweek for FBJ Students is to grow closer to each other but also worship and dive into God’s Word together.

College/Young Adults Midweek

7:15 p.m. 
CLC Auditorium

College students and Young Adults come together for a time of midweek worship and Bible study.