read to feed the soul

Written by FBJ Women for Women

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

It’s because those keys have earned their importance and they also make a perfect reminder of the key to eternal life. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

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Each day we’re growing away from experiences that we can never repeat. I’ve become particularly aware of this after I’ve watched another year spin its calendar pages instead of turning them.

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Dark Visitor

Dark Visitor

The question my Lord asks me: “Why don’t you hate sin as much as that shelled creature and why don’t you seek sin’s destruction with the same passion?”

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Her Treasure Box

Her Treasure Box

Our attic is already more crowded than I had anticipated after our downsizing, but there would be room for one more box. How does one discard such personal reminders of God’s love and faithfulness?

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Then and Now

Then and Now

The One Thing My Grandchildren Must Know: And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. John 17:3

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Needed Light

I carry an eternal solar light – the Son of God. In the darkest night and drought-blighted land, that light cannot be extinguished.

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A Dark Enemy

A Dark Enemy

Some refer to it as the electronic age. I really don’t know what to call it, but I’m certain there’s an app to help explain it.

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After reading a heart-rending devotional this week, I began making a mental list of things that cloud our days. I confess my shame in grumbling over insignificants.

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Under His Eye

Under His Eye

Even more interesting, is it comforting or troubling to know that God is the ultimate, all-seeing eye? He sees ALL. Nothing is hidden from His sight – ever. I’m grateful, and I always want to be mindful.

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