Just stop and think how much stress would dissipate if our tomorrows didn’t rob us of today’s blessings. We would live today solely in today and depend on our caring Father for these twenty-four hours. After all, tomorrows never actually come.

read to feed the soul
Written by FBJ Women for Women
Just stop and think how much stress would dissipate if our tomorrows didn’t rob us of today’s blessings. We would live today solely in today and depend on our caring Father for these twenty-four hours. After all, tomorrows never actually come.
Are you a grumbler? Do you complain a lot? If you’re like me, you would probably rate yourself as a non-complainer. That’s good, but I think you might be surprised if you began taking a serious note of your conversations.
The prayer I was still mulling over touched on a totally different angle – gratitude for the privilege to give. Why hadn’t I thought of that before? Not everyone is blessed with the privilege to give monetarily to God.
Signs are always important and usually for our good if and when we heed them.
read to feed the soul Written by FBJ Women for Women by: Camille Anding Even His Tiny Creatures Carports are blessings. It doesn’t take but one rain-drenching dash from the car to the house to realize that. However, it’s the open carports that become the safe haven...
read to feed the soul Written by FBJ Women for Women by: Camille Anding He Is My Shepherd “The Lord is my shepherd.” If He’s the Shepherd, I’m the sheep – not a lamb, but a sometimes stubborn, oftentimes ornery old sheep with a mind of my own and not enough discipline...
The Christian fellowship is unique in the way our kinship always transcends any background. I still remember a sweet experience in a Delta Bible study that I was blessed to attend.
My mother has been such a godly influence in my life. Now that I am a mother, I appreciate her even more.
read to feed the soul Written by FBJ Women for Women by: Elisa McCurley It’s My Burden to Bear Have you ever loaded up your arms with grocery bags and not be able to lift them? I have. I usually underestimate my own strength. I imagine all of us have from time...
What does it look like not to fight? Does it mean you just lay down and take it? Does it mean we are doormats for the rest of the world to commit crimes and walk all over the truth of what we know? Does it mean we are mild and passive as not to offend?